


            CPU stands for central processing unit, It is principle part of a digital computer, normally composed of main memory, unit arithmetic-logic unit, and control. It is considered the physical heart of the whole computer system; but it also called brain of computer, because it links the input and output devices and. In modern computers, the CPU is consisting of an integrated circuit chip that is called microprocessor.

The CU stands for control unit, It is a part of central processing unit regulates and it integrates the working of the computer. Its function is to select and retrieves instructions from the main memory in a sequence and demonstrates them so as to activate the other different functional elements of the system at the suitable moment to act their specific operations. Whole input data is transferred through the main memory to the arithmetic-logic unit for the sake of processing, which includes the four fundamental arithmetic functions for example, division, multiplication, subtraction and addition and compulsory logic operations like the comparing of data and the choice of the wanted problem-solving approach or a feasible alternative that is based on prearranged opinion criteria.

mainframe computer

Mainframe computers are digital computer that are designed for the high-speed data processing with the massive use of input and output units like large-capacity printers and disks. Mainframe computers are only used for the work like accounting, payroll computations, airline seat reservations, information retrieval, business transactions, and scientific and the engineering computations. Mainframe systems, with the remote “dumb” terminals, have been take the place of  many applications by the client-server architecture.


              Multitasking is a technique in which multiple programs run on a computer at the same time. This technique is used to utilize all the resources of computer in minimum time to achieve more work.  This functionality is controlled by the operating system. The operating system loads the programs into the computer for the processing and then oversees the execution of these programs till they are terminated.

Multitasking includes overlapping and inserting the execution of many programs. This is normally attained by capitalizing on the difference between the computer’s rapid processing capacity and the sluggish rates of its input and output devices. Whereas the computer is reading the data from the disk at a fairly restricted rate, for example, The powerful central processing unit of computer can execute at the high speed else program that includes extensive calculations but take very little input. Operating systems reconcile the competing demands of many programs in a diversity of ways. Different programs can be accomplished on a computer using a foreground or background system, in which a computer executes the commands of one program only in between specific times it dedicates to running other programs of the higher priority. This type of system makes the use of the idle times in many tasks, such as the delay of minutes between the keyboard entries, to execute the instructions in to the background program. In different multitasking operations, a computer’s microprocessors devote their attention back and the forth between he different programs in fractions of seconds.

The Devices that use CPU:

All kind of devices use it, involving desktop, tablet computers, laptop, smartphones, indeed your flat-screen television set use it.

Intel and AMD are the two very popular manufacturers for the desktops, servers, and laptops, whereas Apple, Qualcomm, NVIDIA and are big smartphone and tablet CPU makers.

You may see that many names are used to describe it, involving processor, central processor, microprocessor, computer processor and "the brains of the computer."

Appearance of CPU and where located:

A modernized CPU is normally small and square, with different rounded, short, metallic connectors on its bottom side. Some previous CPUs have many pins rather of metallic connectors.

CPU Clock Speed

The clock speed means that how many numbers of instructions can be executed in a specific time that is measured in gigahertz(GH).

For example, a Central Processing Unit that has a clock speed of 1 Hz and if it can process one piece of the instruction in every second. Deriving this to a much real-world example: a CPU with a clock speed of 3.0 GHz can process the 3 billion of instructions every second.

CPU Cores

There are different types of computer that use single-core, double core or multi-core processors. The computers that use multi-core processor, their speed is faster than the computers using single core processors. Running the two processor units that are working side-by-side means that the it can at the same time can manage two of the instructions every second, extremely improving the performance.

Some CPUs could virtualize two cores for the every one physical core that is available, an approach known as the Hyper-Threading. The technique Virtualizing means that a CPU with just four cores can function as that if it has eight cores, with the additional virtual the CPU cores cited to as a separate threads. 
