Input Devices

Input Devices:


                             Computer has different input and output devices. Input devices are used to give data to computer. Computer needs input from user to show appropriate results. A computer has different types of input devices like keyboard, mouse, touchpad, trackpad, joystick, trackball, speaker, scanner and camera. The details about these devices is below:


                  A keyboard is an input device. We give input to computer through keyboard via clicking its keys.  We perform different types of operations on data via keyboard. A keyboard has different types of keys like Function keys, Alphabet keys, Numeric keys and Additional keys. A standard keyboard contains more than 100 keys.  Keyboard is connected to computer via a wire in a USB port. Now a days many keyboards are wireless keyboards. 

Here is some explanation about the keys of Keyboard.

Function Keys:
                             Function keys lies on the top of keyboard. These are total 12 in number. Their functionality depends upon the software being used in computer. For example, in many computers F1 key is used for help. F5 is used to refresh the computer etc.

Alphabet keys:

                            Alphabet keys consists of Alphabets. Via these keys we enter our data in computer. Like in offices we enter employees name through alphabet key, his address through alphanumeric keys etc.

Numeric Keys:

                           Numeric keys consists of digits from 0 to 9. This keys are entered by simple press. These keys are double printed. A digit and a symbol. If we want to achieve the symbols on its upper side. We achieve them  by pressing SHIFT+ that key.

Additional Keys:

                               Additional keys are used to perform specific tasks. These keys lies on left side of keyboard.  Like insert key, home key, page up key, page down key, home key and other arrow keys to go left right up and bottom. Numeric keys also exist here. You can use from here to perform functions.


               Mouse is used to control the movement of the cursor on screen. Mouse moves on a plane surface. Mouse consists of two buttons and a moving ball. Ball is used to scroll up and down. To open certain task , double click with right  button.

Mechanical Mouse:

                                 Mechanical mouse type of mouse is traditional mouse. It contains a rubber ball at its bottom. Which controls the movement of the cursor.

Air Mouse:

                    This type of mouse is used in presentation. For example, to increase the sound we lift up the mouse.
